Monday, February 19, 2007

Good Things

I have been trying to think of a way to start writing my blog again. I toyed with explaining my absence and filling in the gaps. But it ended up being rubbish, so I’m going to steal from the wonderful Alice and simply make a list of good things in my life at the moment:

Jelena: I’m sorry its just true, she makes me smile. I woke up this morning and she was the first thing I thought of, that put me in a good mood all day. We walked and talked and she surprised me by being insightful when I was least expecting it. She span poi and looked pretty. Its nice.

Thomas Dybdahl: Norweigan singer songwriter, who writes pretty songs about love lost and found. Each day I have a new favourite song, today its this one.

Walking: Idly and pointlessly, letting my feet take me somewhere without thinking about where I’m going. I get time to think, and listen to music and take pleasure in the way my coat billows behind me when I stride quickly.


Playing Diabolo: Particularly after I have set it alight, until I drop it, or hit myself, or it goes out. But then I can light it again and throw a ball of fire high into the night sky, twist it a turn it and make it roar with heat.

Words: Never cease to please me. Rhyme, rhythm, purpose, meaning; so musical and yet so unique and powerful.

Memories: Recent and ancient. I like not regretting my life, even things that could have been better are now happy memories. Everything is good in a way.

Rum: At this instant I am drinking rum I brought back form the Caribbean, it has sugar and vanilla in it. It is just stupidly tasty.

The Future.

I guess this exercise was slightly pointless as I’m in a very good mood at the moment, so rather than trying to cheer myself up I’m just feeling boastful. But I liked doing it, spread the meme, write your own. Perhaps if everyone remember their Good Things it’d all be just that little bit happier.